marți, 25 septembrie 2007


Un cadou original de la Parlamentul Republicii Moldova,
în timpul desfășurării celui mai original proiect din Republica Moldova, și nu doar:

Un lanț viu de 1000 de elevi, de la OMCT până la Parlamentul Republicii Moldova... 

vineri, 21 septembrie 2007

Press release

Press release
of the NGOs within the WOTC network

The Executive Board of the NGOs from the network of World Organization of Talented Children communicates:

The long-term basis project „Caravan of Culture of Peace”, (project author: poetess Renata Verejanu, launched in 1993 nationwide, in 1995 – worldwide, achieved by the NGOs within the WOTC network) will be launched on 21 September 2007 – on World Peace Day.

In anul 2000 the Caravan of Culture of Peace and Non-violence has started from Chisinau, passing from capital to capital, reaching Council of Europe (Strasbourg) and UNESCO (Paris), forums where members of Caravane were welcomed by important officials.

The 2007-2008 edition of the Caravan of Culture of Peace (project by which WOTC is one of the actors of the UN program „Decade of culture of peace and non-violence for the benefit of the children of the world”) will start through a March of Peace Volunteers.

The March of the Volunteers of Peace is dedicated:
- To 5th anniversary since World Organization of Talented Children has obtained participatory status with Council of Europe,
- 10th anniversary since children from WOTC published newspaper „Children of Europe” – the only transborder newspaper which fights the corruption,
- 15th anniversary since the founding of Little Prince Magazine, first and only magazine for children, youth made by young people.
The 1000 volunteers have chosen a original way of celebrating the World Peace Day. The participants at March of Peace Volunteers wish to create awareness for local authorities about the importance of peace, of its fragility.

Members of the NGOs within the WOTC network are involved in important volunteer activities that underlined the role played by an efficient communication, capable of informing the society.
Youth volunteers have an important role in spreading information regarding democratization of society, of implementation of Universal Human Rights, of european integration of R.Moldova. For this reason, the WOTC volunteers are open to an efficient working and requests state authorities (especially Parliament) offering facilities for initial projects and achieved by children and youth. The achievers of the March of Volunteers of Peace may create the most productive teams of promoters and experts in various domains regarding Child’s Rights and youth politics.

By this we will contribute at information process of young generation to a united Europe and open to respect, diversity and cooperation.
World Organization of Talented Children (first and only international NGO with general headquarters in Moldova with participatory status with Council of Europe), by its activity, wishes to become the best advocate of each child, and not only...

By all projects and programs achieved during 16 years – volunteers from NGOs within the WOTC network are popular ambassadors of country in the world and messengers of Culture of Peace.
In the name of the 1000 de participats at March of Peace Volunteers
Executive Board of the NGOs from theWOTC network

joi, 20 septembrie 2007

Caravana Culturii Păcii

Marşului Voluntarilor Păcii
(programul preventiv pentru Ziua Mondială a Păcii)

1. Pe parcursul săptămânii premergătoare Zilei Mondiale a Păcii au fost recrutaţi membrii”Marşului Păcii” (lanţului viu), care va porni de la sediul OMCT şi va ţine pînă la intrarea în Parlamentul R.Moldova...( voluntarii sunt elevi, studenţi – membrii Cluburilor Consiliului Europei, de la diverse instituţii de învăţământ, cei mai activi sunt de la Liceul G.Asachi, Liceul Moldo-Bulgar etc.)
2. Copiii au confecţionat un plic mare... pentru depeşă...
3. Autorii şi realizatorii proiectului au măsutat distanţa între oficiul OMCT şi Parlament pentru a concretiza numărul necesat de voluntari, participanţi la Marşul Voluntarilor Păcii,
4. S-a alcătuit şi s-a redactat depeşa (demersul/adresarea) către Conducerea ţării (autorii rpoiectului au ales Legislativul, pentru a înmîna plicul enorm, din motivul că Parlamentul adoptă legile, executivul – Preşedinţia, Guvernul – le execută. La Guvern şi Preşedinţie va fi expediat mesajul Marşului Păcii prin poştă...)...
5. La ora 13.20 – Reuniunea participanţilor la Marşul Păcii, la sediul OMCT... Un mic discurs al autorului Proiectului...
6. La 13.30-13.40 – toţi participanţii la Marşul Voluntarilor Păcii vor alcătui lanţul viu de la oficiul OMCT pînă la intrarea în Parlament...
7. La 13.45 – Demersul participanţilor la Marşul Păcii al Voluntarilor (plicul enorm) se porneşte de la oficiul OMCT, din mînă în mînă, de la inimă la inimă, către Parlament...
8. O delegaţie de voluntari însoţesc calea depeşei...
9. Ajunsă în Parlament, o delegaţie a voluntarilor înmînează demersul lor Preşedintelui Parlamentului (autorii proiectului şi voluntarii mai activi).
10. Preşedintele Parlamentului în primeşte pe Mesagerii Păcii, îi felicită cu Ziua Mondială a Păcii...
11. Discursul dlui Marian Lupu, Preşedintele Parlamentulu...

Toate drepturile aparţin ONG-urilor din Reţeaua OMCT
Responsabil – Daniel Verejanu
Tel.: 22 66 75

Caravana Culturii Păcii

Marşului Voluntarilor Păcii
(programul preventiv)

1. Pe parcursul acestei săptămâni au fost recrutaţi membrii”Marşului Păcii” (lanţului viu), care va porni de la sediul OMCT şi va ţine până la intrarea în Parlament...( voluntarii sunt elevi, studenţi – membrii Cluburilor Consiliului Europei, de la diverse instituţii de învăţământ, cei mai activi sunt de la Liceul G.Asachi, Liceul Moldo-Bulgar etc.)
2. Copiii au confecţionat un plic mare... pentru depeşă...
3. Se-a alcătuit şi s-a redactat depeşa (demersul/adresarea) către Conducerea ţării (autorii rpoiectului au ales Legislativul, pentru a înmâna plicul enorm, din motivul că Parlamentul adoptă legile, executivul – Preşedinţia, Guvernul – le execută. La Guvern şi Preşedinţie va fi expediat mesajul Marşului Păcii prin poştă...)...
4. La ora 13.20 – Reuniunea participanţilor la Marş, la sediul OMCT... Un mic discurs al autorului Proiectului...
5. La 13.30-13.40 – toţi participanţii la Marşul Păcii al Voluntarilor vor alcătui lanţul viu de la oficiul OMCT până la intrarea în Parlament...
6. La 13.45 – Demersul participanţilor la Marşul Păcii al Voluntarilor (plicul enorm) se porneşte de la oficiul OMCT, din mână în mână, de la inimă la inimă, către Parlament...
7. O delegaţie de voluntari însoţesc (urmăresc) cum îşi ţine calea depeşa...
8. Ajunsă în Parlament, o delegaţie a voluntarilor înmânează demersul lor Preşedintelui Parlamentului (autorii proiectului şi voluntarii mai activi).
9. Preşedintele Parlamentului în primeşte pe Mesagerii Păcii, îi felicită cu Ziua Mondială a Păcii...
10. Discursul dlui Marian Lupu, Preşedintele Parlamentulu...

Toate drepturile aparţin ONG-urilor din Reţeaua OMCT
Responsabil – Daniel Verejanu
Tel.: 22 66 75

Reporter AMP-International

marți, 18 septembrie 2007

Caravan of Culture of Peace

On 21st September 2007,
Friday, on World Peace Day,

We invite you at March of Volunteers fighters for Peace…

WOTC will send a declaration to leadership of the country in a very original way – the envelope with the letter of the volunteers from WOTC will be handed over from hand to hand. The Peace March will be composed of the alive range of volunteers non contaminated by totalitarianism, and will start at WOTC headquarters, reaching the Government, Parliament and Presidency …

Don’t hesitate to become a part of the Caravan of Culture of Peace and Non Violence.. Be a small part that united two important segments of a live range of hearts in love with beauty, truth, peace...



duminică, 16 septembrie 2007



Conferinţa TT

Evadare din pedepse

Un palid sărut, cules

De pe sute de cruci -

La tronul lor am acces

Deşi, mereu îmi încurci.

Dansez la miez de noapte

Cu îngerul meu păzitor -

Câte o gură îmi scoate

Din sângele azi roditor.

Sufletul tânăr - apă adâncă,

Un cer imens răsună în sobor,

Ochii ageri în cer se îngroapă -

Şi eu trăiesc la rădăcina lor.

Într-un botez la convorbire

Cu glas domol, de diplomat,

Încuie-mi gura c-o iubire

Din care nimeni nu a evadat.

Cu braţele amiezilor senine

Mă leagă într-un dor neterminat,

Pe urma ta au înverzit coline...

Aşa târziu …în viaţă te-am aflat.

miercuri, 12 septembrie 2007

Day of Chisinau
The Wine Festival

Dear friends

On 14th October 2007 is the Day of Moldavian capital – Day of Chisinau...
On 14th October is also the Wine Festival...
A great feast...where you can drink wine for free...

Gift yourself a holiday of 1-3 days that you will never forget.

Volunteers (youth) from the NGOs within the WOTC Network can be a guide in this day, so that you could wonder of the beauty of our land (with the most beautiful girls and the best wine in the world)... We can help you make a reservation at hotel at a convenient price, and we can organize an escursion in the underground City from Cricova – The City of wines... etc.etc.etc.

Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Or at phone.: 00 (373 22) 22 66 75

marți, 11 septembrie 2007

invites you to collaboration


Renata Verejanu, leader of the democratic movement, promoter of the civil society, founder of many NGO-s, editor of the "Little Prince" magazine and "Children of Europe" newspaper, author of many worldwide projects.
. The poetess Renata Verejanu is the first poet from Moldova who shake hands with General Secretary of United Nations, Mr.Koffi Annan. This happened in June 2000, in Switzerland. And not only for the thing that she is the one of the most talented and creative poet, journalist, popular ambassador, economist, publicist, founder and editor of newspapers and magazines, promotor of the civil society and of UN, UNESCO and Council of Europe's activity, the most loving mother anda special culture lady. But also for the thing that she is a personality who always work, comes with 1001 ideas on day, and she realise all of them.

Sărbătoarea Limba Noastră

Vorbind despre sărbătoare Limba noastră, nu putem trece cu vederea grandiosul nostru program/proiect lansat în 1995, iară în 2001 la nivel internaţional. Iată un răvaş la acel timp către realizatorii programului.

Dear Verejanu Dan,

Thank you very much for your E-mail and you interest expressed in diversified language learning. The Council of Europe supports your project.
The exchange of messages in different languages will greatly promote the ideas of the European Year of Languages 2001" campaign in the sense that it will contribute to the actual practising of diverse languages.
It will definitely contribute to an enhanced communication between children of different nationalities.
The lack of communication has so many times resulted in disastrous events all over the world.
Therefore we strongly support your idea of children of different nationalities communicating in the framework of this project.
However as we do not have the manpower to receive so many messages we would kindly ask you to select among the various messages (as they will all be cced to you I presume). We believe Mr Walter Schwimmer the Secretary General of the Council of Europe should also receive the final message. We would appreciate receiving the most interesting messages in different languages and might put them on our website. If you need some kind of patronage please do not hesitate to ask for it

Please keep us informed of any future developments.
With best wishes,
Alida Matkovic
European Year of Languages Project Co-ordinator/
Coordinatrice pour l'Année européenne des langues
Modern Languages Division/Division des langues vivantes
Council of Europe / Conseil de l'Europe
F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex

luni, 10 septembrie 2007

Organizaţiei Mondiale a Copiilor Talentaţi

Incontinuu, cum se schimbă guvernul, aleargă ba unul ba altul - toţi lacomi, ca nişte lupi înfometaţi, cei care încă ar mai vrea ceva pe lângă toate cîte au sustras din avuţia neamului...şi se năpustesc asupra sediului Organizaţiei Mondiale a Copiilor Talentaţi(OMCT)...
Îmi vine să strig - caut o ţară care are nevoie de cetăţeni ce ştiu şi vor să-i creeze prestigiu... Vorba poetului:
Caut o ţară cu copii cuminţi
Să am umerii amândoi înfloriţi...

Lider OMCT

duminică, 9 septembrie 2007

“Right to be human”

“Right to be human”

Nina Slutu dialogue with Renata Verejanu

Nina Slutu: Mrs. Renata Verejanu, we have heard that this summer in our capital took place a new edition of International Festival-Contest „Little Prince”, whom initiator and director you are. How is it to launch, in Moldove, a nice idea and to fight for acomplish it? Who helps you? Who isn’t?
Renata Verejanu: The 14th editinon of the International Festival-Contest „Little Prince”, developed at the beginning of the summer, is aleady in history, as we are preparing the 15th edition. If you’ll check my blog ( you’ll see that we already have personalities who confirmed their membership for international jury. These great personalities of the european culture, which I spent a lot of time for finding them, they help us, as they pay for their own expenses, and give us their time for working in Moldova, for its prestige. Usually, they come for the first time, but leave inspired of the talents joy they discover, and always come back. Now I am working only with Daniel (the project author). Then, when untill the contest remain 3-4 months, other 3-4 volunteers come to help, members of WOTC network, students, only during their free time, after lessons.
Me and my son – help, prepare the International Contest at 70%. Then is coming the volunteers team, jury members, sponsors, partners, spectators, media and participants – each with their percent is helping the contest. A citizen just watches the Awarding Ceremony and becomes a participant of the event. In a magazine issue we had an article „Everybody loves us, nobody helps us”. Even only by the title I responded, if you referring to support from state institutions. Partners or friends we have, very few, but we find them....or else how could we pay faboulous amounts of money for office rental, concert halls, publishing, maintenance, trophees etc...

N.S: You put to work a lot of people...
R.V: Yes, we are. Such a dialogue between cultures and people – deserves our effort, everyone. Of course it breaks my heart to pay a thousand for publishing a book, but to give 13800 an hour for using National Palace how do you think I feel... And how much time we spent raising the money... How many years of my life costs me to keep someone at work... Here is the attitude of state institutions regarding Civil Society, especially to children... But I enjoy running, it kept me young...

N.S: As you may have seen, this interview title is „Mandate of human” – is a phrase I read in your book. Explain please how one obtains a mandate of human?
R.V: Sometimes in early childhood, or during youth you discover you have a special mission, a mandate of youth... and you are glad you are not garbage...

N.S: You’ve created, in 1991-1995, several NGOs. Looking back, which is their fate now?
R.V: I have founded and am founding during 15 years of independence new and new structures of Civil Society, at the end of each program – we launch a new organization lead by our young people, this is the way the WOTC network strenghtens, first network of NGOs at local, national and international level, created spontaneously, without receiving some indication from a ministry or another entity, with which to unite or tu serve etc.
All NGOs created by me work fruitfully, only on volunteer work. Last year we have celebrated 15 years since first project: Young Journalists Agency „AMP-Internaţional”, this year we celebrate by hard work multiple anniversaries:
5 years since we have obtained status with Council of Europe,
10 years since we publish Newspaper „Children of Europe”, the first cross-border newspaper, published by children for children, which fights the corruption,
15 years of Little Prince Magazine (first magazine who challenged a revolution in the media for youth, well-known worldwide); and at UNESCO (recently at World Congress of UNESCO Clubs from Athens, Greece, our magazine exhibition have amaized all the delegations, and at Council of Europe and... even at the White House. First publications with NGO status, truly free and independent, where nobody is paid.

N.S: I know you are not pride and cocky, although, for what you’ve acomplished, you deserve not only good words, but some mention, some distinction, at official level I mean. Does anyone appreciated at true value your effort of discovering and promoting talented children, of creating the country’s prestige at international level so many years, or they are trying to stop you?
R.V. It depends who offers their help, under which terms... I would be feel not so well if the government would offer to repair my house, to buy carpets or blankets. If a friend who got rich over night, wants to help me, is a help, but when someone steals money from budget, and wants to shake his fatness over peasants sick and hungry faces – it-s imoral.

N.S: You have a royal behavior, madam...

R.V. In my blog ( I wrote once: „There are billionars who live like beggars, and other people who have only their name but live as if they were billionars”. I have involved after me in high society so much youth, children, who shake their hands with ambassadors, heads of states, officials from UNESCO, Council of Europe, General Secretary of UN... I have taught them to be proud of their name. By the way, the children from WOTC received passport of Ambassadors of Culture of Peace from the General Secretary of UN himself. Since 2000 we are offering the title of Ambassador of Culture of Peace to young volunteers and personalities from Civil Society... I am used to bring joy... Who knows, may be someone important will find himself to offer me some joy, especially I have a nice anniversary this autumn.

N.S: Envy, it’s known, is non-productive...
R.V: Let’s drop this subject...especially because these days a woman came to me and asked me if I’m not afraid to create myself such a prestige... Some other people just asked me a million...
N.S: Your words: „only I have name and live as billionar...”
N.S: Let’s say you would be appointed in the leadership of some culture institution, how and what would you promote?
R.V: For humanity. Ofrand of humanity is a title I think God whispered to me.

N.S: Let me rephrase: you are already ahead of our culture! By initiating international contests, cross-border conferences, decades of publishing, you giving impulses to these NGOs, you are member of Writers Union, recently you created a Club of Women Poetesses... I saw at one cultural event how our colleagues asked you to organize for them events in Renata Verejanu style... How is it to be in the center, or if you want – in the center of culture?
R.V: I don’t think I am the only your colleague who made contact with civilized world. But I know a thing: when a lot of people were stealing the country’s economy, I created its prestige, being a popular ambassador of this people... And all I’ve created was for my country... Today many magazines are being published, but we were the first who implemented democracy in the media from Moldova. Journalists non-contaminated by totalitarianism you can convict them, like some traitors... Today there are a lot of festivals and contests, the kids launched by us are already launch international contests... But if you are looking closely, from where are coming money for financing it, somebody else promotes its name, some other – his own kids... I have promoted country’s children, after that European children. Over 50,000 young talents participated at local and national levels of Little Prince Festival. May be I could have written that time a lot of novels and poetry books...

N.S: In a poem („La Cetatea de Scaun”, chapter III, collection „Ofrandă Omeniei”, page 91, Chisinau, Universul Publishing House, 2006): „Gândul trage greu în plug...”. As a woman, you are working hard – as a proof is all you’ve acomplished by now. As a pet, is the poetry something hard for Renata Verejanu or what is it?
R.V: The poetry is the most beautiful world. I could not imagine how would I live if I wouldn’t be poet. I thank to my mother for my character and God for inspiration... I want to believe, as a leader of Civil Society, as fighter for democracy, as ideal mother – it’s been very hard for me... As a woman, no, although I had a special destiny. Me, the poet, it’s never been hard for me. I get so much joy, so much energy from writing every thought – that after that I have power to give to the leader of Civil Society, myself, and to ideal mother, to fighter for democracy...

N.S: And I want to quote you again, as in 9 books I am refferring to, you have many fresh, unordinary thoughts... I was astonished by a title – „The right to be mother”. Tell me about your children, how will break the Europe, how is it to ensure them a bright future, in the full sense of the word?

R.V: From this experience of almost 20 years, I can say for sure: every child want to be famous, want prestige... This makes him work. The most important investitions are the ones made in our children. Who didn’t understand this thing – lives for nothing. Only our children will remember us, only through them we will live through another century.

N.S: Renata, I was present when you launced your three chapters in collection „Ofrandă omeniei” at „Onisifor Ghibu” Library...
R.V: ...many thanks to its head, Mrs. Elena Vulpe, for goodwill of hosting poets and poetry at this institution...
N.S:...speaking of launching... Acdemic Mihai Cimpoi, who attended that event, underlined that (quote): „ Renata Verejanu’s poetry is ethical, of social involvement”. Poetry – of involving... Activities – of involving... Could you give me a definition of Poet-Citizen?
R.V: It looks like I was involved too much and I forgot about me, the woman... This involving in the community life, is a challenge of censorship existent in society. I am a very independent woman, as I was my entire life... When I see that a children can’t reach to the world, I remember my books who were stopped for decades of publishing..and I help him. I have a neighbour who can’t understand how I can pay for my flight ticket a yearly budget, only to participate at sessions of NGOs Conference with participatory status and Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe.

N.S: I am closing by thanking you for your goodwill, wishing you health, successes and hope!
R.V: Thank you, dear madam and poet, and I would like to meet this kind of respect among all our colleagues.

sâmbătă, 8 septembrie 2007


Un poem din adolescenţa mea,
pentru adolescenţii de azi...

Cântec pentru o despărţire

Poate că ar trebui şi lacrimi să existe...

şi dungi de durere, şi aripi de tristeţe,

şi păsări să zboare cu făgădueli,

şi culori mai schimbătoare pe feţe,

şi, poate, străinii uimiţi, mulţumiţi,

Să ne prindă în sfere multicolore

Ca într-o capcană a propriei satisfacţii,

Până istovindu-ne, fără de putere,

Ne vor lăsa în ochi la alţii...

Şi, poate, încă ceva ar trebui,

Ca un strop de sare... Dar tu stai uimit

Departe de orice peron, de orice plecare

şi îţi închipui că mă vezi cum fug,

Apoi nu mai sunt, şi vorbe nu-ţi aduc,

şi nu-mi arunc privirea înapoi...

Şi-atât de simplă este despărţirea...

Şi care-i despărţirea pentru noi?...

vineri, 7 septembrie 2007


Azi am dat autografe... cred că peste 999 de autografe la Salonul Literar Internaţional... majoritatea la tineri studenţi şi domnişoare eleve...
Au fost şi vizitatori tocmai de la Ungheni, Teleneşti şi mai de la nordul Moldovei...
Majoritatea profesori...
Dar şi vizitatori stranii... care se tem de carte...
Nu departe de mine, înconjurată de cititori, auzii un dialog care m-a făcut să-mi întrerup scrisul şi să ridic ochii peste lume să văd chipul celor care dialogau:
- Vino să luăm un autograf, - zise un tânăr...
- Ce să luăm? - întrebă domnişoara.
- Salam, - surâse tânărul... Autograf, ai luat autograf de la vre-un scriitor, cântăreţ?...
- Nu...
fan RV

joi, 6 septembrie 2007

ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT

Am primit nişte scrisori cu jocuri! de la Consiliul Europei...
şi ne-am dat seama că şi Consiliul Europei a coborât la mintea copiilor...E un minunat joc cu zaruri. Cine vrea, îi putem face un cadou.

În rest...Merci...merci...merci... pestre 3000 vizitatori în prima lună...ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT...reteauaomct.weblog...
Am dat de un mediu sănătos... de cetăţeni şi nu de indivizi...
Despre ce medităm, informăm, dialogăm... pozăm sau desenăm -
în fond lăsăm în cosmos o urmă...
Noi, tinerii voluntari de la OMCT, ne-am mai perfecţionat
un pic în domeniul Noilor Tehnologii Informaţionale...
şi blogul ne-a disciplinat, deşi...după vacanţă e greu să-ţi revii...

miercuri, 5 septembrie 2007

Sărută-mi vocale

Nu căutaţi, nu creşte-n mine înserarea...

Dragi prieteni,

toţi voluntarii de la ONG-urile Reţelei OMCT o felicită pe
poeta Renata Verejanu cu premiul primit la
Salonul Literar Internaţional...
Dl Dorin Chirtoacă, tânărul Primar General al municipiului Chişinău, a sărutat-o şi a felicitat-o pe poetă. Dna Renata Verejanu a surâs:
"Am ştiut când să particip la Salonul Literar, nu am participat niciodată,
ci anume acum când avem un Primar General tânăr..."


marți, 4 septembrie 2007

Salonul Literar

În sfârşit...
pentru prima dată poeta Renata Verejanu
şi-a permis să participe la Salonul Literar Internaţional
cu cele 9 cărţi în trei volume, editate recent la Editura "Universul", -
şi a luat premiul Salonului Literar Internaţional...
Plăcerea cititorilor poeziei Renatei Verejanu a fost susţinută şi de
dl Dorin Chirtoacă, Primarul General al म.Chişinău,
care i-a înmânat diploma şi Premiul în valoare de...
... de şampanie ajunge...
Esenţialul e că a obţinut premiu un poet reţinut zeci de ani de cenzura politica, şi alţi zeci de ani - de cenzura economică, şi care nu face parte din nici o gaşcă...


sâmbătă, 1 septembrie 2007

Limba noastră

Limba noastră cea română...
Salonul literar internaţional...
Biblioteca Naţională...
Deschiderea oficială s-a produs la 12.00. Ministrul Culturii cu fiul s-a reţinut şi la standul Revistei Micul Prinţ... A felicitat revista, şi chiar i-a strâns mâna dnei Renatei Verejanu...
La ora 15.30 a început evenimentul lansării numărului aniversal al Revistei Micul Prinţ..Doamne... demult nu am mai văzut aşa sărbători...
Dna Lilia Snegureac, directorul Biroului Consiliului Europei din R.Moldova, deşi avea zeci de invitaţii, a ales acest eveniment... care a durat aproape 4 ore, apoi a urmat discuţii la un pahar de vorbă încă vre-o 4 ore... Extrem de frumos au vorbit poetele Nina Slutu, Claudia Partole, Galina Furdui, prozatorul Victor Prohin, dl Marin Mazur, ex-viceministrul economiei, dna Galina Codreanu...şi un şir de alte personalităţi...
La Mulţi Ani! micule prinţ...

Caravana Culturii Păcii

Caravana Culturii Păcii
a demarat odată cu lansarea numărului jubiliar al Revistei Micul Prinţ la Sărbătoarea Limba Noastră (Salonul Literar, Biblioteca Naţională)... Urmează Săptămâna uşilor deschise la Micul Prinţ...
Echipa celor trei crai de la Sud-Estul Europei, care muncesc la revistă, alături de poeta Renata Verejanu, nevoită a fi şi editorul revistei...